Website development

Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet or an intranet.

What is the difference between Web-Design and Web-Development?
Web design and web development are two different things, but of course it depends on how you define “design” and “development”. It takes different knowledge to understand what is a web designer and what is a web developer. These professions are different and they have the following roles:

The web designer is the person who is responsible for creating the concept of the website. He can decide that the site should have a certain color, certain content and specific pages. He is an expert in computer graphics, and has great technical skills to create logos and videos. It tells the developer where these elements should be placed on the web page. However, they do not participate in the construction of the website or the underlying code.

The web developer takes the designer’s concepts and creates the code. It uses the different technologies and resources seen above to transform and design an idea into a website, and make them available to people like you.

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